The contract that guarantees your goods, whatever the mode of transport.
Whether transported by land, sea or air, your goods deserve coverage that is commensurate with the risks you take on a daily basis in your business. Transport Insurance from AFG Assurances Bénin IARDT gives you the peace of mind and the support you need to meet your specific profile.
Mandatory warranties
- FAP except : Free of Particular Average except” covers damage and loss to goods resulting from any of the events listed in your This generally covers damage to goods during loading and unloading, as well as damage to cargo and the transport vehicle.
Additional warranties
- Overtime, night work, work on Sundays and public holidays, high-speed transport ;
- Flight extension ;
- Non-delivery ;
- Characteristic accidents in land and rail transport ;
- Loading and unloading risks ;
- Territorial extension (land faculties only).
Optional benefits (non-mandatory) :
- Extended All Risks coverage: limited only to the risks expressly excluded in the
Who can subscribe?
Companies of all sizes, carriers, freight forwarding companies, etc.