School civil liability

Ensure that incidents are dealt with in and out of school. 

AFG Assurances Bénin IARDT’s School Civil Liability policy provides compensation for damage caused by the insured to third parties, as well as for bodily injury sustained by the insured as a result of accidents in the school, extracurricular and commuting environments (school, excursions, field trips, internships, school sports).

Membership is valid until the day before the start of the new school year the following year. If the student moves to another school during the year, cover continues at the new school under the same conditions.


  • Civil liability: Coverage of the financial consequences of the insured’s civil liability for bodily injury, property damage and consequential loss caused to others (including other students and members of the school attended).
  • Criminal defense and recourse: Defense of the insured against civil liability. Claims against third parties for damage suffered by the insured.
  • Contractual indemnity: Payment of compensation in the event of an

Who can subscribe?

Parents or guardians of students.